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This article examines how Liverpool Borough Prison, opened in 1855 as one of the largest local prisons in England to adopt the separate system, categorized and dealt with mental distress and disorder amongst its prison population in the late nineteenth century. High prison committal rates in Liverpool, alongside high levels of recidivism, especially among female prisoners, led to severe overcrowding and encouraged a harsh disciplinary regime. Exacerbated by the poor physical and mental condition of the prisoners, this produced a challenging environment for maintaining the separate system of confinement and prisoners’ mental well-being. While official figures for the rates of mental disorder in local prisons are not readily available, Liverpool Prison’s diverse and under-exploited archives and official reports indicate that insanity caused prison officials and visiting justices great concern, and many prisoners were declared unfit for the rigours of prison discipline. Our article explores the implications of the ever more punitive, deterrent and physically taxing penal policy implemented in the late nineteenth century on the minds of prisoners. Despite the heavy toll on prisoners’ mental well-being, such cases were often retained by prison medical officers reluctant to acknowledge the failure of the prison to deter, reform and redeem.  相似文献   
全面深化改革是推动当今之世社会发展的巨大动力。但改革的全面深化也出现各种深层次的矛盾,加剧了各种风险的产生。横向风险、纵向风险、操作风险、外来风险交融共生,贯穿于改革全过程和各领域。有效应对改革风险,既要有敢做敢当、积极主动的态度,更要注重科学管理。应不断强化风险意识,增强风险识别能力;科学分析风险存在机制,准确评估风险承受能力;加快立法进程,依法管理风险;注重各机构协调运作,加强统筹管理。唯有如此,才能真正做到破浪前行,勇立潮头,为世界各国防范和化解改革风险提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
卫星导航定位是测绘工程中发展较快、应用较广的一项热门技术,“GPS测量与数据处理”课程也一直是测绘专业本科教学的主干课程,具有更新快、理论深、实践性强等特点,对教师授课及学生学习都具有较高的要求。文章对东华理工大学测绘工程专业GPS课程的授课内容、授课方式、实践教学及考核模式等方面存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的教学改革建议。  相似文献   
“计算机组成原理”是计算机专业的一门重要专业基础课程。在分析“学生难学,老师难教”这一现象之后,从教学内容、教学方法、教学手段以及实践教学等多个方面提出一种多元化教学模式,以期全面提高教学水平和教学质量。  相似文献   
推动课堂教学革命,打造“金课”是提高人才培养质量的关键之举。课堂教学改革,需要共同发挥学校、教师和学生三方积极性,通过构建“三位一体”的课堂教学改革联动机制,充分发挥学校在课堂教学改革中的保驾护航作用、教师的引领推动作用和学生的实施践行作用。  相似文献   
教师教育是教育事业的重中之重。通过中国知网检索21世纪以来CSSCI来源期刊中的相关文献,以其中2 171篇有关教师教育研究的论文为样本,运用文献计量分析可视化软件Cite Space对文献数量、作者贡献、研究热点、研究层次以及论文被引情况等进行详细统计与梳理,旨在通过知识图谱的方法客观地揭示21世纪以来我国教师教育研究图景,并对教师教育研究发展路向进行全景式分析与展望。就文献数量而言,教师教育研究曲折发展,整体呈上升趋势;就作者贡献而言,尚未形成教师教育研究的核心作者群体,作者大多为高等院校的专家学者,而一线教师、教研员较少;就研究热点而言,主要呈现出有关教师教育的理论研究、改革研究和国别研究三大研究主题;就研究层次而言,主要集中于基础研究。基于此,应进一步加强教师教育研究队伍建设,尽快形成教师教育研究核心作者群体;鼓励多种力量参与研究,进一步丰富研究层次;拓展研究领域,探索教师教育研究多元化发展的新路向。无论是党的十九大报告,还是《教师教育振兴行动计划(2018-2022年)》,都对新时代教师教育提出了更高的要求。师德教育如何推进,教师素质如何提高,教师待遇如何改善,教师教育模式如何创新,教师管理制度改革如何深化,教师教育研究共同体如何构建,这一系列问题需要教师教育研究者深入探索,在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和全国教育大会精神的指引下,为新时代高素质、专业化、创新型教师队伍的建设与发展建言献策。  相似文献   
《Journal of Policy Modeling》2022,44(5):1016-1040
Sponsoring culture is a long-term profit-generating investment that public policy makers can achieve by means of Pigouvian subsidy or tax schemes. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the three VAT reforms implemented between 2012 and 2018 (one tax raise reform and two tax cut reforms) in the cultural sector in Spain. We first provide visual evidence and empirical estimates of the tax shifting and the distribution of the VAT burden between consumers and producers. We then use a regression discontinuity design to assess the causal effects of these VAT reforms on performing acts and cinema consumption (both in the extensive and the intensive margin). Several interesting findings arise from our results. First, we find that producers only passed through 45% of the VAT cut to consumer prices. Second, the effect of the 2017 VAT reduction on performing arts slightly increased the number of households consuming these cultural services, whereas the 2018 tax cut on cinema had no significant effect in the number of moviegoers (extensive margin). Third, the cultural spending per household conditional on participation (intensive margin) increased after the two VAT rate reductions. Finally, we test for asymmetries in pass-through with respect to the 2012 tax raise and we find (i) no evidence of prices responding more strongly to increases than to decreases in VAT, (ii) a symmetric response of the number of households consuming these cultural services, and (iii) an asymmetric response of the average cultural spending conditional on participation.  相似文献   
《监察法》的出台标志着监察制度改革的成果在法律层次上的确认,是国家在政治体制上进行顶层设计的一件大事。“一府一委两院”的政治新格局初步形成,深化监察制度改革依然是健全完善国家监督体系的重要路径。监察委员会的出现不同以往政治体制的改革,使行政监察迈向国家监察,监察制度实现了质的飞跃,其人事管理和“超级机关”的潜在威胁是不容忽视的。基于法治建设中具有普适价值的独立性与权力制约两原则,从人才选拔、人事培养到人事考核探索监察委员会的人事管理,从党的领导和外部机关约束监督的视角思量监察委员会的被监督问题。  相似文献   
Factor models, structural equation models (SEMs) and random-effect models share the common feature that they assume latent or unobserved random variables. Factor models and SEMs allow well developed procedures for a rich class of covariance models with many parameters, while random-effect models allow well developed procedures for non-normal models including heavy-tailed distributions for responses and random effects. In this paper, we show how these two developments can be combined to result in an extremely rich class of models, which can be beneficial to both areas. A new fitting procedures for binary factor models and a robust estimation approach for continuous factor models are proposed.  相似文献   
为识别中国参与全球经济治理体系改革面临的挑战,探索《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)的签署为中国参与全球经济治理体系改革带来的机遇,对中国借力RCEP推动全球经济治理体系改革的路径进行研究。研究发现,既有全球经济治理体系机制建设滞后,个别国家蓄意设置治理障碍,逆全球化浪潮削弱了改革共识; RCEP能够为中国参与全球经济治理体系改革带来新的契机,有助于重构合理高效的全球经济治理机制,消弭单边和霸权主义障碍,弥合全球多边政治互信; 中国亟需紧抓RCEP签署的机遇,加快构建开放型经济新体制,凝聚区域经贸合作伙伴力量妥善处理中美竞合新关系,积极探索全球投资贸易治理机制创新,推动“一带一路”倡议与RCEP框架良好对接,守护多边主义,巩固政治互信。  相似文献   
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